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Godmother &


Godmother & godfather uncle

We have made it our mission to ensure that every euro donated to a specific project gets to that exact spot. We implement this in exactly the same way. But of course we still have advertising and administration costs, which we pay for ourselves for the most part. With our own membership fees. But that is not always enough. And this is where you come in. If you want to support us as an association and not just a single, special project - then become our godmothers and godfathers.


And the name should also be the program. Because we will certainly ask you for help from time to time. No matter if we want to start a new project and want to hear your opinion or if we need direct help on site.


Our godmothers and godfathers donate a self-chosen amount of money, which we can then use freely. There, where it is just necessary. This can be advertising and administration costs, but also the last Euro, for example to build the well in Zambia.


We all work voluntarily for the association. This means that not a single Euro is left behind. That is our promise!


As godmother and godfather you support us once a month or once a year with a certain sum. We have preset 10€ per month, but you don't have to stick to that. Logically, you can also choose your own amount. Just remember to choose the right rhythm. Of course you will automatically receive a donation receipt next year.

YES! I want to become a sponsor!


We cannot do it alone, but only with you! Therefore we are happy about every donation for the individual projects, but also about every godmother and godfather. You can never have enough of that anyway, can you?


To be completely transparent. We also process these donations through Betterplace, because it relieves us of an incredible amount of bureaucracy that we cannot afford. For example, you will receive fully automated donation receipts and can also use them to issue direct debit mandates. Betterplace is itself a non-profit organization that is also financed by donations. That's why you can enter a tip with every donation. Most of the time there is already a sum listed, but you can also set it to zero. That is up to you. Because Betterplace also keeps 2.5 percent of the donations with a direct debit mandate. But this is exactly one of the administrative costs that we would otherwise have to bear. In other words: out of every 100 Euros, 2.50 Euros go directly to Betterplace, which we no longer have to book separately!


After all, godmothers and godfathers always want to be informed about what you're up to, right? That's why you'll receive a regular newsletter with all the latest news about developments, progress and planned new projects!


We are looking forward to you!


Your Veedels boys!

Solltet Ihr per Überweisung mehr als 300 € an uns spenden oder gespendet haben, dann schreibt uns eine Mail mit euren Kontaktdaten und wir senden euch eine Spendenquittung.
Unter 300 € reicht ein Kontoauszug als Nachweis beim Finanzamt.

Mehr Informationen zu Steuern und Spenden findet Ihr hier.


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